Come Learn With Us! A Virtual Visit of 3-Day Pre-K

Submitted byWooster Christ… onMon, 01/28/2019 - 1:52pm
Miss Bri and a student

Spend a day in the classroom with "Miss Bri" and her 3-Day class!

Welcome to Wooster Christian School!  We are always excited to show you the wonderful things God is doing for His glory within our halls and classrooms, and in the hearts of our students. 

Today we are visiting Miss Bri's 3-Day Pre-K class.  The students in this class are ages 4 to 5, and many of them attended the 2-Day class last year.  Now they have grown in body and mind, so they enjoy the increased class time and greater challenges that the 3-Day class has to offer.  Still, they appreciate the familiarity of the facility and consistency of the routines.  

Shall we begin?

students playing with foam shapes
First Things First!

As we enter the colorful classroom, we are greeted by the joyful demeanor and pleasant smiles of "Miss Bri" and her aide, "Miss Stef." The children say goodbye to moms, dads, grandmas, and caregivers, and begin class by washing their hands.  Some of us may be a little sad to see mommy leave, but Miss Bri and Miss Stef are experts at helping children feel safe and redirecting anxious thoughts.  (For example, later today Miss Stef will help a student make a card for his mother because he is missing her).

Once everyone is nice and clean, we find a place at one of the table activities.  

preschool student using stencils
Table Activities

The first 15 minutes of class is spent doing table activities.  The room is full of energy as the students choose their activities, some of which are available during every class, and others that vary from day to day.  Should we trace with stencils, make a marble painting, create interesting pictures using foam shapes, or sculpt with play dough?  Perhaps we'd like to do some cutting, writing, and gluing at the writing table.  The LEGO table is always enticing, or we could play with cars on the train table.  Another table has a farm set up, and several students are playing with dinosaurs.  Others are pretending with phones or puppets.  

Children are empowered to make choices and move freely between the different centers, and are not required to do any of them.  There's lots of interactive play, parallel play, and cooperation.  Although socialization is occurring, children are also playing independently.  Miss Bri and Miss Stef are each a patient and calming presence in the room, helping wherever they're needed and joining in the play.  The adjoining restroom is easy to visit whenever it's needed, and children return to their activities eagerly.

The time goes by quickly, and before we know it it's time to clean up and move on to the next activity. 

Circle Time

The next 30 minutes or so will be spent at Circle Time.  

First, each child finds the foam mat bearing his or her name, and sits down on it.  This helps us recognize our names and makes us feel included.

Miss Bri starts Circle Time by reading a story.  The children are enthralled as they listen to Miss Bri's expressive reading of Knuckle Bunny Free: An Unexpected Diversion by Mo Willems.

Miss Bri reading the story

Miss Bri transitions expertly from the story to a science experiment.  She places an Alka Selzer tab into a film canister with water and seals it up.  She talks to the students about what is happening when the tablet mixes with water and begins creating bubbles of air.  She asks them what they think will happen when the air has no place to go, and the students share their hypotheses.  There is a general outcry of delight when the lid of the canister pops off and shoots up into the air.  The experiment is repeated several different times, to the great amusement of the scientists.

singing the alligator song
singing the alligator song
singing the alligator song
Frogs on a log
letter game
crow puppet

Now it's time for some music and movement.  The children are excited to sing the familiar "Alligator Song" which teaches counting concepts.  Someone has requested the "Toody Ta" song, so Miss Bri engineers a way to play it from her phone using some speakers.  Everyone thinks it's hilarious! 

Next, we do a "Frogs on a Log" song that reinforces counting and subtraction concepts.  After that, a "Hickety Pickety Bumblebee" rhyme reinforces letters in a fun way.  It's amazing to see Miss Bri "sneak" so many concepts into the play time, songs, rhymes, and other intentional activities.

It's time for recess!  On a cold day like today, we are going to go to the gym for our gross motor time.  The Crow puppet helps Miss Bri dismiss each student to line up.

Playing in the gym
Playing in the gym
hula hoop
Playing in the gym
Sit and spin
Gross Motor Time

We line up and head down the hall to the gymnasium.  As we go, the children are reminded about good hallway etiquette.  Miss Bri explains that the other classes in the building are learning, so we should be quiet.  In these situations, the children are not only instructed on how to behave; Miss Bri also takes the time to explain why the rules are in place.  This fosters an environment of mutual respect.

On a warmer day, we would be going outside to the playground.  No one minds the gym, though, because Miss Bri has a cupboard full of toys for the children to play with.  She and Miss Stef pull out a rocket launcher, some sit-n-spin toys, several different balls, hula hoops, and more.  The entire, wide open gym is available for the children to run and play.  This play time typically lasts around 30 minutes, and by the end our tummies are starting to feel hungry.  We head back to the classroom.

snack time
Snack Time

When we return to the classroom, we find our place around the circle again.  Miss Bri plays a book on CD while the children take turns washing their hands for snack.  Not a moment is wasted waiting in line, and the flow of the process feels effortless.  

Once all hands are washed, we sit at the tables to enjoy our snack.   Today we're having animal crackers and juice. 


Free Choice

The next 30 minute block of time is Free Choice.  Miss Bri takes out some building toys and places them in the center of the room.  Several students gravitate toward these toys, while others choose the dollhouse, LEGOs, puppets and stuffed animals, and sensory table.  The whiteboard becomes a painting studio, and students don painting smocks to create masterpieces.  

Most of the students stay at one activity throughout free choice time, but others roam from station to station.  Miss Bri and Miss Stef join the play and assist wherever needed.

It is during this time that Miss Stef helps an anxious student create a card for his mom.  Other children create "mail" at the writing table as well.  If they choose, students can keep their creations in their cubbies to play with later.

Conflicts, when they arise, are addressed with patience and gentleness.  Miss Bri talks about choices and helps the students discern whether their choices are positive or negative.  She skillfully redirects, and her respect for the individual students seems contagious.

As Free Choice time comes to an end, everyone quickly cleans up and comes to the rug.  It's time for Bible.

Bible Time and Dismissal

The last thing we do before we get ready to leave is Bible time.  Today, we are learning the story of Jesus's baptism.  Miss Bri pulls out two dolls to represent Jesus and John the Baptist.  She also uses a bowl of water and a wash cloth to illustrate the story.  She interacts with the children and asks them questions, taking every opportunity to help them make connections between the story and their life experiences.  

After the story, we sing a Bible song.  Then it's time to go!  The two and a half hours have flown by.  Some children stay for afternoon care, but the rest get their coats and say goodbye.

Thank you for joining us for this virtual tour!  We hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into one of our classrooms.  

We encourage you to visit in person, and welcome you to contact us to schedule a tour to learn more about our educational programs for students in Pre-K through eighth grade.